Announcing Pakkly Private Repositories

I have a bunch of news to share regarding private repositories and the future of Pakkly,

GitHub private repositories are now supported directly in Pakkly. This allows you to use Pakkly to ship your binaries that you don't want to be publically available or risk violating GitHub TOS. Go try it out or read on...

Private Repositories

Private repositories function almost the same as public ones, just target repositories that are private. The key difference is that private repositories are limited to a set number of downloads per month. This is because we host them ourselves to avoid hitting GitHub limits and improve download speed/reliability. This process is transparent for you but that is the rationale for the download limit.

Subscription plan

Pakkly now supports a paid subscription tier thanks to our friends at . A paid "PRO" plan currently costs $11.85 per month per PRO app. The main benefit of a PRO app is a greatly increased monthly install limit. Since public repositories aren't limited to a certain install amount, this plan is only available for private repositories.

You can read more on our pricing page.

Limitations for Private Repositories

Private repositories have a download limit, which is at the time of writing 100/month for the free tier and 10,000/month for Pakkly PRO. We may adjust this in the future but for now it seems to be a reasonable number. If you require more downloads per month or have custom needs, let's talk 😀 .

The Future

Our plans for Pakkly are large, and we hope to become the #1 way to release apps on desktop platforms because the current state of affairs is frankly horrible. An example, people often ask us why we don't support macOS yet. Pakkly itself currently works flawlessly on macOs, the issue is signing.

Essentially, macOS requires all applications be cryptographically signed and notarized by Apple. This is an involved process that tends to change every couple of years. We have guides up on our blog for those interested in the nitty-gritty.

To solve this we're creating a CLI tool that will help desktop developers ship apps in a reliable way that isn't prone to platform changes, or at least tries to abstract them as much as possible. This tool will be available soon and with it will come macOS support for Pakkly and Windows signed app support.

Our goal is to make it as easy to deploy desktop apps as it is to develop web apps, no matter what framework, language, or runtime. 

Stay tuned for more 👋